Hazards of Lithium Ion Batteries in Landfills
Dangers to Environment
Lithium ion batteries are nontoxic, and they've been rated safe for landfill disposal. The reason they're non-toxic is that they don't contain materials that are dangerous to the environment by themselves; metals like cobalt make up most of each battery. Despite the name, there is no lithium present in these batteries. If a lithium ion battery in a landfill ruptures and comes into contact with water, however, it can create a dangerous mixture that will sink down into the groundwater.
Dangers to Wildlife
The concern that animals who prowl landfills will mistake batteries for food applies to lithium ion batteries. Even though animals aren't supposed to be in landfills in the first place, they do make their way in to find waste that's edible. Eating lithium ion batteries is dangerous, especially if the metals they contain--cobalt, copper, nickel and iron--leach into an animal's system. The metals can cause great harm and likely death. The same is true for people who eat these batteries.
Wasted Space
One of the biggest harms that lithium ion batteries cause in landfills is that they take up space. The batteries are completely recyclable, but many millions of them are thrown away every year because they're considered landfill-safe. The salvage price for the metals, according to "Computer World," isn't enough to make concerted recycling efforts financially worthwhile. Thus, millions of tons of lithium ion batteries are added to landfills, taking up room that could be saved. Additionally, throwing the batteries away means that fresh metals have to be mined, and mining has a much bigger environmental impact than simple recycling would.