Uses of Lugol's Iodine
Iodine Deficiency
Iodine is an essential mineral and must be added to the diet since the body cannot produce it. A deficiency of iodine has been linked to ovarian cysts, thyroid goiter and hypothyroidism. Iodine deficiency has also been linked to breast cancer; Lugol's iodine helps reverse fibrocystic breast disease. For general health, two drops of Lugol's iodine should be added to 8 oz of water and taken daily. The solution is readily absorbed by the body.
Water Decontamination
For water decontamination purposes, Lugol's iodine is used as an emergency disinfectant. To purify drinking water, Lugol's iodine destroys viruses, bacteria and cysts.
Specially packaged supplements of Lugol's iodine are used in the marine aquarium industry. The solution helps rid animals of harmful bacteria and unwanted parasites. Other benefits include improving coloration and preventing bleaching of corals.
Indicator Tests
Indicator tests use Lugol's iodine solution. The solution will detect the presence of starches in organic compounds. To make cell nuclei more visible, Lugol's iodine is used as a cell statin. During a colposcopy, Lugol's iodine is applied to the cervix and vagina to test for cancer. The solution is also used to make it easier to visualize muscogingival junction in the mouth. For various experiments, Lugol's iodine is used to observe how cell membranes use diffusion and osmosis.
Other Uses
Lugol's iodine was first used in the treatment of gout, according to the Quailwood Herbal website. As an antiseptic, it has germicidal and fungicidal properties and is commonly used in the topical treatment of wounds. Chronic vaginitis is also treated with the iodine solution. Additionally, Lugol's iodine will cure most forms of food poisoning, such as salmonella, and helps the body eliminate toxins stored as fat.