Health Hazards of a Steam Room
Cuts and scratches will allow bacteria to invade the skin and cause infections. These infections include athlete's foot, colds and the deadly staph infection, Staphylococcus aureus, also known as MRSA. To prevent this hazard, use a band aid to cover all scratches, keep your towel on as a barrier between your skin and shared surfaces, and do not share soaps, razors or towels.
Slip and Fall
Ceramic tile used in a steam room, coupled with the moisture from the steam, makes for a slippery floor. Flip flops should be worn at all times to prevent slips and falls. Flip flops will also help prevent athlete's foot and blisters. A blister also counts as a skin break which would allow bacteria to invade the skin.
Improper Cleaning
When using a steam room at a gym or spa, numerous germs can be spread by the large number of other users, along with a lack of adequate disinfecting of the steam room itself. It is best to avoid going in to a steam room that is crowded.
Health Problems
For people who have respiratory or cardiac problems, the steam room can have serious side effects. If you have any health problems, consult your health care provider before using a steam room. Steam rooms are often used for detoxification purposes to remove certain toxins. However, patrons should be medically supervised to avoid potential harmful effects on the kidneys and liver.
During Pregnancy
In addition to being exposed to the other hazards, pregnant women need to avoid conditions where the temperature can get too high. According to the March of Dimes website, a high body temperature can cause blood pressure to fall and deprive the fetus of nutrition and oxygen. Additionally, a high body temperature may cause birth defects.