Four Rules for Washing Hands
Use Clean, Warm, Running Water
Experts recommend using clean, warm, running water. The CDC, the NIH, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommend first wetting your hands with warm, clean, running water before applying soap. Using warm, running water washes away the dirt that can trap germs.
Lather With Soap for at Least 15 Seconds
Any kind of soap helps wash away germs. Work soap into a rich lather by vigorously rubbing the hands together. The CDC, NIH, FDA and USDA recommend lathering with soap and water for at least 15 to 20 seconds, being careful not to rinse the lather away before time is up. Rub the front and back of each hand, the wrists and between the fingers. The Minnesota Department of Health recommends using a nailbrush to extract dirt from beneath the fingernails. According to its report, soap works to suspend dirt and germs, and friction created from vigorously rubbing the hands together pulls dirt and oil off the skin.
Rinse Well
Rinse dirty water back into the sink. Rinse hands with warm, clean, running water, keeping your fingers pointing downward to allow water to run into the sink rather than up your arms, the Minnesota Department of Health suggests.
Dry Your Hands Thoroughly
Paper towels are more sanitary than shared, cloth towels. Use a clean cloth towel, air dryer or paper towel to dry your hands, suggests the FDA, CDC and MDH. The Wisconsin Department of Human Services recommends using a disposable towel rather than a shared, cloth towel. The MDH says that rubbing your hands vigorously while drying helps to remove any germs left behind; however, the WDHS suggests that those with sensitive skin pat their hands rather than rub them.
Use a clean paper towel to turn the faucet off to avoid contaminating your hands, the CDC recommends.