Herbs for Baldness

Baldness for men is not an easy thing to go through. Hair is a classic symbol of youthful vigor and fertility. While it may be a perfectly natural process to undergo, it is nevertheless an undesirable stage in one's life. Therefore many products on the market try to fill the demand for stopping baldness. One such method is to take the natural route and use herbs to slow the loss of remaining hair.
  1. Algae Extract

    • Seaweeds have commonly been known to have curative and medicinal powers as they are high in amino acids as well as several minerals and vitamins. They function as an anti-oxidant and reduce and heal damages to your hair, according to Herbs for Hair Loss. Algae extract is an example of one such herb that also provides a rich, strong source of essential building blocks that help to grow hair from the roots as well as to add shine to existing hair.

    Aloe Vera

    • Gel from the Aloe Vera plant can calm irritated skin and contains the properties of an antioxidant as well as an anti-inflammatory. The gel is applied by massaging it all over the scalp and letting the gel restore the natural PH balance of the hair. Aloe vera gel also seals in the moisture content of your hair when applied in this manner. These benefits of the gel help to stimulate hair production.


    • Fenugreek, a natural herb, has potent seeds that can reduce balding and hair thinning, according to Home Remedies Guide. The crushed and boiled seed have shown to be able to restore the shaft of the hair and promote growth. The seeds are also a source of protein and nicotonic acid, which are both critical in hair shaft rebuilding and strengthening. The oils from the seed should be rubbed into the scalp over all areas of the scalp.

    Ginkgo Biloba

    • Gingko Biloba is a poular herb that is reported to help with a plethora of ailments within the human body. One of the places it is supposed to help with most is the improvement of circulation of blood to the brain and skin. The reason it is said to help with hair loss is many herbalists believe that an increase of blood to the brain region will deliver more nutrients to hair follicles and will therefore promote the regrowth of hair, according to Herbs for Hair Loss.

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