Phone Mast Dangers
According to studies, phone masts and the radiation they use are suspected of causing cancer. Radio waves, which are what cell phones and cell phone towers work on, are a form of radiation. Constant exposure to the frequencies put out within a certain distance of phone masts can lead to changes in the body which, according to, can lead to the development of cancer. Leukemia is a common form of cancer that this radiation is said to cause, and tumors have also been attributed to phone mast radiation.
DNA Damage
According to, the radiation from phone masts may also be responsible for damage to a person's DNA. The radiation, the site claims, interferes with the natural, electrical fields in the human body and in our cells. This interference can lead to a disruption of the cell's normal function, in addition to the degeneration and corruption of a person's DNA. It works much like how data on a computer may be corrupted. Over time the damage may become irreversible and lead to health problems.
Other Dangers
According to, infertility, eye cancer, immune system suppression, childhood and adult leukemia, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, depression and mutating or alteration of a person's DNA can result from phone mast radiation. Many of these symptoms, according to, have been confirmed by independent studies done in Europe, though the site claims the information is being manipulated and held back by the cell phone industry.