Facts About Herpes II in Barbering and Cosmetology
The HSV-2 infection is caused by a sexually transmitted virus that has no cure. The CDC indicates that HSV-2 is an infection that produces periodic outbreaks of blisters around the rectum or genital area. The blisters typically break, leaving sores that take 2-to-4 weeks to heal. HSV-2 is not curable but can be controlled with anti-viral medications that will reduce outbreaks and help minimize the likelihood of transmitting the disease to someone else, as long as the HSV-2 patient continues to take the medication. While HSV-2 is typically limited to transmission during sexual contact, some barbering/cosmetology services (like waxing and shaving of the genital areas) can present opportunities for infection transmission.
Sanitation Procedures
Hot wax used for hair removal can be a source of virus contamination. Maintaining basic cosmetology-related sanitation procedures helps reduce the chances of transmitting bacteria, viruses or infections like HSV-2, indicates the Oklahoma State Board of Cosmetology. Hot wax sticks/applicators should be used only once and thrown away. Service providers should wash hands before and after each client. New towels and instruments should be used with each client. Non-disposable instruments should be cleaned with soap and water and properly disinfected. Never double-dip creams, lotions waxes and always use an applicator to scoop out product.
Safety Training
Barbers and cosmetologists should examine a clients skin before beginning grooming services. Basic cosmetology training, according to the Texas Trade and Industrial Education on Cosmetology, should include training for licensed practitioners on identifying skin conditions or disorders like sores and lesions that would prohibit the practitioner from performing the service. Cosmetologists and barbers should be cautious about providing services when primary or secondary lesions are present. Not all lesions are HSV-2, so the training to identify transmittable skin disorders should be a basic practitioner safety requirement.
Proper disinfecting and storage of cosmetology supplies and tools reduces the spread of infection. Transmission of the HSV-2 typically occurs during sexual contact with an infected person who presents with the virus sores, confirms the CDC. However, it is possible to transmit the virus from the skin even when there are no sores present and the virus appears to be dormant. The Oklahoma State Board of Cosmetology cautions cosmetologists against providing any grooming services to a customer who has lesions or open sores. In addition, proper cleaning and disinfecting of all non-disposable grooming tools can help prevent the transmission of the HSV-1 virus that can lead to pink eye infections.
Expert Insight
Non-Hispanic black women are in one of the highest risk groups for HSV-2. According to the CDC, one in every six people between the ages of 14 and 49 have HSV-2 and it's most likely to occur in blacks who are not Hispanic and women. Though many people are infected long before they are diagnosed, infected females are less likely to infect their male partners than male partners are to infect their female partners. In addition, people with HSV-2 are at least twice as likely to contract the HIV virus.