How to Succeed in Alcohol and Drug Rehab
Things You'll Need
- Reading material
- Art Supplies
- Bible
Learning New Life Skills
Engage in activities which build your self-esteem. Many can get into the habit of vegging out in front of the television or playing long hours of video games. While these are a way to kill time, it is important for the recovering alcohol or drug abuser to learn skills which build their self-esteem. Your self-esteem is already damaged, and might be one reason for becoming addicted in the first place.
Engaging in pro-active activities not related to the drug and alcohol addiction, can help. Volunteer to help children at school or the community, volunteer to work part-time at the local library, deliver meals to the elderly or engage in a lay-ministry sponsored by your religious affiliation. This can help you develop a sense of worth and self-respect, apart from any connection with alcohol or drug addiction after you complete rehab.
Taking up art can help you develop self esteem and stave off boredom. Take up art. Art can help you to develop self-esteem. It can be a good way to spend your free time in rehab and out of rehab. If you develop your talent, you may be able to make some extra money, but the important thing is that it can be stabilizing, help to relieve stress and boredom. Boredom is one reason some have a hard time staying away from alcohol and drugs.
When you see works of art that you created now or in the past, it will help you to realize that you do have worth. This can be an aid in keeping off drugs and alcohol and you will be less likely to be influenced by old "friends" who may try to persuade to get involved again in self-destructive habits.
Choose friends who will support you in your efforts to be substance abuse free. Choose new friends. If you hang out with your old drinking buddies, chances are you are going to start drinking again. It might not happen overnight, but give it enough time and it will. Don't kid yourself into thinking that you can "hang with the boys" and not get into trouble. It only takes one relapse to get some hooked again, so stay away from the ones who are using, and choose friends who might not be as exciting, but who will support you in your efforts to stay sober and drug-free.
Read voraciously. Instead of spending long hours watching television, put the TV in the closet and learn to be a reader. Read about how to be sober. Read first person accounts of those who have succeeded. Read about any underlying issues that might accompany alcohol and drug abuse, such as depression or bipolar disorder. Read positive material that will help you to develop spiritually. Read the Bible. Read to keep abreast of the news. Reading strengthens the mind, develops intellect and helps to keep your mind active. It can help you to gain mental strength and keep you encouraged through others stories and insight, to stay off drugs and alcohol.
Prayer can help you gain strength to stay off drugs and alcohol and make be successful with rehab. Pray for God's help. Prayer can help you gain strength to overcome addictions. It does work for many, but also takes persistence.
Abstain completely from drugs and alcohol. Don't think you can occasionally "dip" and remain sober. The alcohol and drug abuser needs make a firm resolve with himself that he isn't going to drink, at all, ever. Alcohol isn't something that you can indulge in recreationally, like many can. It has a power over the abuser, and the best thing to do is to make up your mind to not drink at all, ever, forever. It's something you have to be willing to give up completely. This is an important step for your recovery.