Bug Fogger Precautions
You must close windows and doors while the bug fogger is active. When you return to your home make sure to thoroughly ventilate the room and the rest of your home before settling in again. If you have asthma, the Washington State Department of Health advises you to ask someone else to activate the fogger and ventilate the room afterward.
Although foggers are intended to fumigate only the room in which you place them, the insecticide actually covers more than one room--up to 10 times more, according to WSDH. To be on the safe side, you should let your home ventilate longer than the time indicated on the label.
Flames and Explosions
The instructions on your bug bomber will probably tell you to turn off pilot lights and gas fireplaces and unplug electrical appliances that might set off sparks. However, bug fogger users have inadvertently set fire to their homes by placing the cans in rooms with air conditioners or refrigerators that cycled on and off, or by forgetting to turn off the water heater. Make a checklist of everything that could spark or catch fire before using a fogger. Have someone who is knowledgeable about electronics double-check your home before you activate your bug fogger.
Bug foggers do not have safety features and a toddler can easily activate one. When activated, bug foggers cannot be turned off--they spray until the can is empty. Store your bug fogger in a high cabinet and keep it locked up.