Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs in California
Prescription Drug Program
As of 2010, prescription drug use in America is the highest it has ever been. The access people have to prescriptions for pain, depression and sleep aids are extremely alarming. With the recovery program for prescription drugs, most Californian rehabilitation facilities perform what is called a treatment for a dual diagnosis, one element of the addiction being a prescription and the other being the psychological need that created the dependence on the prescription.
Alcohol Rehab Program
For alcohol rehab, programs are typically tailored to the best recovery plan for the addict. Some alcoholics require certain medications to help with their withdrawal symptoms, while others are more suited to the "tough love" approach, sticking it out through the detox process cold turkey. Group therapy, as well as individual therapy, is also another significant means for facilitating the recovery of an alcoholic.
Illicit Drug Rehab
For those addicted to substances like heroin, cocaine and crystal methadrine, rehab programs in California are very specific to detoxifying the addict's body of that particular drug. The physical toll this takes on one's body can take weeks, even months, to get through. Once the detox period is over, the next hurdle is overcoming the emotional upheaval of learning to live without the illicit drug that was once depended on.