The Effects of Bleach on Skin & Eyes
Skin Damage
According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, bleach is a strong irritant that can blister the skin, trigger inflammation and cause burning pain. Exposure to concentrated hypochlorites can cause severe chemical burns. The extent of damage can be more significant than it initially appears to be. Prolonged or chronic exposure can cause irritation and allergic reaction or hypersensitivity.
Eye Irritation
At considerably low concentrations or in extremely dilute solutions, bleach can cause tearing and mild eye irritation. If the chemical is quickly rinsed from the eye, the effects may only be temporary; if it's not washed from the eye, on the other hand, more serious damage may occur over time.
Eye Damage
Concentrated solutions of bleach can rapidly cause severe pain and serious eye damage. Eye injuries that result from bleach exposure can include clouded vision, swelling or inflammation of the cornea, cataracts, swelling or inflammation of the middle part of the eye and inflammation of the retina. These conditions could potentially result in permanent blindness.