Harmful Effects of Radiation From Computers
Computers produce nonionizing radiation, also called electromagnatic fields or EMF. EMFs are low-frequency radiation, and unlike ionizing radiation (which can cause cancer) have not been proven to impact human health. However, many in the environmental health scientific community believe that over time, EMFs will be shown to have at least some adverse health impacts.
Though deemed harmless at low levels, many of us are now so consistently exposed to EMFs via cell phones, cell towers, power lines, computers and other Wi-Fi devices it is difficult to determine just what the health impacts might be per individual. Even if you do not use your computer hours and hours a day, you are still exposed to EMFs every time you walk under a power line, sit in a cafe with Wi-Fi or stand near someone using a cell phone.
Health Concerns
Children may be more vulnerable to EMF exposure. The primary health concern related to EMF exposure, as with any exposure to radiation, is cancer. "The British Journal of Radiology" published a 1997 study about childhood cancer and irradiation, which showed that children and fetuses in utero are particularly vulnerable to these low-level, nonionizing radiation sources. Children and fetuses may be adversely impacted because the dose of radiation, even at low levels, is greater when compared to total body mass.
We are surrounded by EMFs all the time, but you can limit your exposure by taking several measures. Cut down on screen time and put more distance between yourself and your computer. These are the two best precautions you can take to limit your exposure. Switch to a flat screen monitor. They do not contain cathode ray tubes (CRTs), which produce lower amounts of nonionizing radiation. If you cannot make the switch, ask about magnetic shields, which cover screens. Turn off your monitor when you are not using your computer to reduce exposure. Limit your exposures whenever possible if you are pregnant. Finally, stay informed. There is plenty of science still to be conducted on the health effects of EMFs from computers and other devices. Being informed about the potential health risks will help you to take the precautionary steps best for you and your lifestyle.