How to Take Care of a Drunk
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Crackers or toast
- Soda (optional)
- Pain relievers
Take away your friend's car keys at the first sign that he may be considering driving drunk. Even if your friend avoids an accident, he's still breaking the law and can rack up large fines and penalties if caught driving drunk.
Remove your friend from the bar, club or other drinking location if he becomes excessively inebriated. Public intoxication laws can prohibit "drunk and disorderly" behavior in public areas. By keeping a close eye on your friend and removing him from the public eye, you can help prevent an incident with the local police.
Drive your friend home yourself, if you have refrained from drinking alcohol. If not, take a cab, train or bus home with him or call a trusted friend to come pick you up. If you're worried your friend may be too drunk to take care of himself at his home, consider taking him to your place to keep a closer eye on him.
Administer water. Not only can this help your friend sober up, it will hydrate his system and can prevent a hangover later. Drinking water is also extremely important if your friend becomes sick, as vomiting can speed up dehydration in drunk individuals.
If vomiting occurs, offer saltines, oyster crackers or toast. Dry starches help settle upset stomachs as well as certain types of soda, like ginger ale, Sprite or 7UP. Instruct your friend to take small bites of food and drink sips only. Gulping food or drink can cause additional stomach upset.
Put your friend to bed once he's sobered up a bit and gotten fluids into his system. Help him remove his shoes, belt and any other binding clothing. Set a bottle of water and a few pain relievers within his reach in case of a hangover in the morning.