What Is the Purpose of the Florida Board of Nursing?
The Florida Department of Health created the Board of Nursing in the Nurse Practice Act in order to both represent different types of nurses and to dismiss nurses who are not doing their jobs competently. By making sure that all nurses fulfill a minimum requirement, the state of Florida is attempting to ensure that patients receive the best care possible, with the minimum amount of injurious mistakes.
Board Members
In order to represent all types of nurses and to represent people who are not nurses, there are very specific requirements for the positions on the Board of Nurses. All members must be residents of Florida and may not serve a term longer than four years. Seven members must be registered nurses, of which one must be a nurse executive, and one must be an advanced registered nurse practitioner. Three must be practical nurses, and three may not be related, in any way, to the practice of nursing.
The board may license individuals who meet requirements, punish nurses who have committed illegal acts related to nursing, and determine fine amounts for punishments that result in monetary penalties.