How to Apply for a Michigan Medical Marijuana Registry Identification Card for a Minor Patient
Request or download an "Application Form for Registry Identification Card for a Minor Patient" from the Michigan Department of Community Health's Michigan Medical Marihuana Program (a link to the application is provided in the Reference section).
Carefully read the instructions at the beginning of the application.
Complete sections A, B and C of the application. Section A is the "Applicant/Patient Information." Section B contains the "Parent or Legal Guardian" information. Section C, the "Certifying Physician Information," requires the names, addresses and telephone numbers of two doctors who provided the "Physician Certification" detailed in Steps 4 and 5.
Take the application to a doctor of medicine (MD) or doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) who is licensed to practice in Michigan. Have the doctor complete the "Physician Certification #1 for a Minor Patient," which is page three of the application.
Take the application to a second doctor of medicine (MD) or doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) who is licensed to practice in Michigan. Have the doctor complete the "Physician Certification #2 for a Minor Patient," which is page four of the application.
Complete section D by checking the box authorizing the release of name and date of birth to law enforcement and by signing and dating the application. Both the minor and the parent or guardian must sign the application.
Complete page five of the application, the "Declaration of Person Responsible for a MINOR PATIENT Applying to Participate in the Michigan Medical Marihuana Registry (Parent or Legal Guardian)."
Determine the application fee. As of July 2010, the application fee is $100 unless the minor is enrolled in Medicaid or receiving SSI or SSD, in which case the application fee is $25.
Make a check or money order payable for the application fee to "State of Michigan---MMMP."
Obtain a copy of the verifying documentation if the minor receives benefits. Acceptable documentation includes disability or SSI award letter, a Social Security Administration document verifying receipt of disability benefits, full Medicaid Only: MI Health card or other health plan card.
Place the completed application; a photocopy of current photo identification of the minor and the parent or guardian; proof of legal guardianship; the application fee; and, if submitting a $25 application fee, supporting documentation in an envelope and mail it to this address:
Michigan Department of Community Health
Michigan Medical Marihuana Registry
P.O. Box 30083
Lansing, MI 48909
Keep a copy of the application, including all certifications and supporting documentation, for your records.
Wait up to 15 days for the application to be checked for completeness, verified and processed.
Wait another five days while the Michigan Medical Marihuana Program places the applicant's name on the "Michigan Medical Marihuana Registry" and mails a registry identification card to the minor.
Call the MMMP if the MMMP registry identification card is not received within 20 days of MMMP receiving the completed application.
Place the MMMP identification card in your wallet. Qualified users must carry the MMMP registration card with them.