The Advantages of School Health Nursing
Quality Health Care
The presence of a trained health professional within the school environment ensures that all students have access to basic health care. Students who do not regularly see a health practitioner can turn to the school nurse and pose basic health questions. The nurse can also identify the warning signs of potential medical conditions and make recommendations to parents when they perceive a need tor additional health services.
Ease of Access
Because a school nurse is on site, students as well as staff can easily access this health-care provider. This ease of access increases the likelihood that individuals within the school environment will turn to the health-care provider for help instead of ignoring potentially serious maladies.
Health Resources for Pupils
Along with giving out the odd bandage and ice pack, many school nurses work to provide students with information on potentially serious health conditions. School nurses can educate students within the school on health-related topics including vaccinations and reproductive health. By providing this information to students, school health nurses can prepare them to make informed decisions in regards to their health needs.
Assistance with Hygiene Issues
As students age, their hygiene needs change. Generally, parents educate their pupils on the basics of hygiene, but in some instances this necessary education falls through the cracks. School health nurses can provide resources and information to students who struggle to establish healthy hygiene practices. As a health official, the nurse can provide this information in a nonconfrontational manner and work as a partner in developing healthy practices.
Nutrition Information
With ever rising rates of youth obesity, more and more schools are eager to educate their students on nutrition. School health nurses often prepare and deliver nutrition-related lessons. These individuals can also work with staff and discuss ways in which they can integrate the study of nutrition into their classrooms, thereby proving the students with a plethora of information on this important topic.
School-Wide Health Policy Development
Many schools and school districts, eager to promote health among their students and staff, establish a health policy that outlines the steps the school intends to take in ensuring the physical well-being of students and staff. The school health nurse often plays a key role in the development of this plan, providing information to the school to ensure an effective plan that appropriately meets student needs.