The Role of the Surgeon General

Appointed by the President of the United States, the surgeon general is America's doctor "offering advice on smoking cessation, obesity, AIDS prevention and a host of other public health issues through speeches, news conferences, congressional testimony and formal reports," reports He or she sets the standard for the country's health guidelines and priorities.
  1. History

    • Dr. John Woodworth, was appointed as the first supervising surgeon in 1871. His role included supervising the U.S. Marine Hospital Service administration to provide health care to sick and injured merchant seamen. The U.S. Marine Hospital Service is the predecessor to today's U.S. Public Health Service.


    • It is the primary role of the surgeon general to communicate important medical findings to the nation and offer advice on the appropriate resolution. Former Surgeon General David Satcher, said the office has evolved since its inception in 1873, but "what has not changed about the Surgeon General’s Office is its direct responsibility for communicating with the American people based on the best available science, and its responsibility for responding to public health emergencies."


    • The surgeon general oversees the operations of the 6,500-member Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service such as the National Institutes of Health. The Office of the Surgeon General sets standards for the corps, has significant administrative responsibilities and serves as the team's figurehead.

    Medical Ambassador

    • The surgeon general serves as the official spokesperson of the federal government on important health boards and commissions. According to, past surgeons general have sat alongside national and global health experts at the National Library of Medicine, the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization.

    Public Outreach

    • Crafting public health initiatives to improve the health and reduce the risk of illness and injury for Americans is a goal of each surgeon general. Campaigns against preventable diseases and poor health habits are top priorities for the surgeon general.

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