Aluminum Safety Hazards
Respiratory Problems
Those who work with aluminum and are routinely exposed to aluminum dust may be at risk for chronic respiratory problems including shortness of breath, impaired breathing and asthma-like symptoms. A scarring of lung tissue called pulmonary fibrosis has been seen in workers with prolonged exposure to aluminum powder. Workers exposed to aluminum powder in the workplace should wear NIOSH type N95 cloth masks for minimum exposure or NIOSH N100 for heavy exposure to aluminum dust. Local exhaust ventilation systems should also be used in work areas to protect workers, according to the Materials Safety Data Sheet at
Kidney Problems
Those with impaired kidney function and patients on dialysis should severely limit their exposure to aluminum compounds. These patients cannot adequately filter the aluminum that is consumed from antacids or other aluminum-containing products from their blood, so the accumulation of aluminum in the body can quickly reach toxic levels. These patients should also avoid aluminum cookware, buffered aspirin products, aluminum-containing deodorants and other methods of exposure to aluminum.
Neurological Problems
Past research involving brain scans of deceased Alzheimer’s patients showed increased levels of aluminum in those people with the disease. This led to great concern among those who work with aluminum and in those who consume aluminum products, drink from aluminum cans or cook with aluminum pots and pans. It is important to note, however, that the results of this study cannot be confirmed in all patients. There is also some question as to whether the processes used in the analysis of the Alzheimer's data somehow introduced the increased aluminum levels. Other studies have indicated a link between consumption of aluminum antacids and use of aluminum-containing antiperspirants. Still other studies, however, contradict these findings, according to Currently, there is no clear link between aluminum consumption and Alzheimer’s disease, and it is clear that further research is needed to determine if there is any link at all. Those who have a family history of Alzheimer’s may wish to limit aluminum products as much as possible as a preventative measure until final scientific determinations on the subject are made.