Restroom Regulations
Construction Portables
An Occupational Safety and Health Administration law requires that construction sites be equipped with portable toilets for the needs of workers. According to, the purpose of this law is to make sure that construction workers don't suffer any ill health effects from being forced to hold in their bodily waste because no bathroom facilities are available (and in many cases haven't been built yet). recommends that to meet this need there should be at least one portable toilet present on the site for every 10 workers.
There are a number of concerns regarding the debate of security versus surveillance when it comes to restrooms. The exact laws vary according to state and facility. Dummy cameras are completely legal because they provide a deterrent but don't breach any sort of privacy. If there are functioning security cameras in a restroom, there needs to be a sign that states as much. These cameras may be low-resolution to help protect privacy, but this will depend on the legal requirements in the state and local area where the surveillance is being installed.
Americans With Disabilities Act
Because of the Americans With Disabilities Act (which dictates that public buildings and public restrooms should be designed with the handicapped in mind) a certain number of bathroom stalls have to be handicap-accessible. This means that there must be room for a wheelchair, handrails for gripping and privacy equal to what other restroom users have. For outdoor, portable units the rule is at least one unit (or 5 percent of units) must be handicap-accessible. The same law makes a good guide for indoor restrooms as well.