Fragrance Risks
Allergic Reactions
An allergic reaction can have any number of symptoms, even if the response to the fragrance doesn't seem like the typical allergic reaction. Sneezing and respiratory problems are often an immediate reaction to a fragrance. More subtle allergic reactions to fragrances can include headaches and chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis is prolonged inflammation or stuffiness in the sinus passages. Many people treat it with over-the-counter meds. Prolonged exposure to the chemicals in fragrances can lead to asthma and other respiratory problems.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is when those who haven't been allergic or sensitive to some chemicals suddenly react to them. Fragrances contain a variety of chemicals, and most of these are chemicals we are not aware of. The symptoms of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity can include mild reactions, similar to temporary allergic reactions mentioned earlier, or severe reactions. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity can be so bad that those who have it stay indoors for fear of coming into contact with chemical fragrances.
Hormonal Disruption
Many manufacturers of fragrances consider their formulas secret and don't list ingredients. Some fragrances contain chemicals that have been found to mimic naturally produced hormones. With extended use, these synthetic hormones can interfere with the body's ability to produce and interpret its own natural hormones. Chemicals that imitate estrogen and thyroid hormones are among the most common and can lead to serious hormonal imbalances.
Birth Defects
According to the Environmental Working Group, diethyl phthalate is a common ingredient of fragrances. This chemical interferes with the development of reproductive organs in unborn male children and with the manufacture of sperm in adult males. The Environmental Working Group tested 17 household products and found diethyl phthalate in 12. Other chemicals are also linked to birth defects and are frequently not listed on labels other than under the generic term "fragrance."