Illinois Policies on Heat & Schools
Extreme Heat
Due to the inherent dangers present during severe weather conditions like extreme heat, the Illinois School Code, Section 18-12, includes provisions for school closures. Although district superintendents are responsible for school closures, the National Weather Service issues heat warnings when the heat index is at 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, constituting potentially life-threatening conditions. Less severe conditions also pose a threat, as 90 degrees Fahrenheit is hot enough to cause the human body to struggle to maintain its internal temperature. Administrators should minimize outdoor activities during times of high heat and encourage students to drink plenty of water.
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality, including temperature, is regulated nationally by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and statewide by the Illinois Department of Public Health and Safety. The guidelines set for US schools are incorporated into the Illinois School Code and are directly administered by the Illinois State Board of Education. The building codes that Illinois schools are required to adhere to include the International Building Code. These codes provide the specifications for working, energy efficient Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems with the ability to maintain a minimum indoor temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Although these codes outline the bare minimum amount of heat required in a public school facility, the Illinois Board of Education, in conjunction with the Illinois Capital Development Board, developed a Healthy Schools Campaign detailing requirements for Thermal Comfort inside schools.
Thermal Comfort
The Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Capital Development Fund publishes the "Illinois Resource Guide for Healthy, High Performing School Buildings." This publication acknowledges the minimum temperatures of the building code while providing guidelines for establishing optimum comfort levels for both teachers and students. These guidelines rely on the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers' (ASHRAE) "Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy" standards. Schools are required to maintain temperatures of 68 to 75 degrees during the winter and 73to 79 degrees during the summer. Humidity within schools is also regulated to between 30 to 60 percent throughout the year to prevent microbial growth.
Compliance Assessment
Part 180 of the Illinois State Board of Education's Administrative Code, the Health/Life Safety Code for Public Schools, establishes means of assessment for school code compliance. Subpart D of this code requires that regional superintendents oversee an annual inspection of school buildings by certified professionals and submit their results to the State Superintendent (180.300). District school boards are also required to inspect facilities at least once every 10 years and submit a safety survey report for the State Board of Education (180.310). The EPA also publishes an assessment tool for school compliance called the Healthy School Environments Assessment Tool, or Healthy SEAT. These means of assessment work to ensure the overall health, safety and productivity of Illinois students and teachers.