How Do I Get My Daughter's Birth Certificate?

A birth certificate is required for proof of identity and citizenship in various situations, including employment and school. When you do not have a certified copy of your child's birth certificate, you may need to obtain one from the local vital statistics office with jurisdiction over the municipality where your child was born. Get your son or daughter's birth certificate by contacting this office--either in person or by writing them--and requesting one.


    • 1

      Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage with a listing of each state's vital records offices. Click on the state where the birth occurred to find local contact information.

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      View the information for requesting a birth certificate in the state where the birth occurred. The information should also tell you the fee for a birth certificate, any other specific payment information and local contact information.

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      Look for a link that will take you to a request form that you can print out, complete and submit. Click the link to access the form, print it and fill out the form.

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      Place the completed form into an envelope and enclose the necessary fee to cover the request (by either check or money order). Enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your form and fee to enable the state to send you the birth certificate.

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      Seal the envelope and send it to the address provided on the form.

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