Aluminium As a Smart Alloy
Aluminium Alloys
Alloys of aluminium are essentially a solid solution of two or more elements where the dominant substance is aluminium. Generally, the other substances used in the aluminium alloys are manganese, copper, zinc and magnesium. Based on their manufacturing process, aluminium alloys can be divided into two groups, namely casting alloys and wrought alloys and both the divisions can be further sub divided into heat treatable and non-heat treatable categories.
Widespread Use
Combined with the properties of aluminium and the strength and other characteristics of the added metals, aluminium alloys can be used for a variety of purposes. As a result, such alloys are also known as smart alloys. Owing to their elastic modulus, aluminium alloys can be used for making objects of fixed cross sectional parameters. The alloys, especially Al-Mg-Si series, can be made into complex structures and designs which might otherwise prove to be a difficult task with other alloys like steel.
Use in Car Manufacturing
The moment of inertia in any alloy dictates its ability to be used for designs dependent on stiffness as well as light weight, and aluminium alloys fit the bill perfectly. Hence car manufacturers employ aluminium alloys in the construction of the outer body of cars. Aluminium alloys are now used for making engine components like cylinder blocks as well as and crankcases due to their lighter nature. While previous versions of alloys were prone to warping, the later versions seemed to have got that problem fixed and can withstand the extremely hot temperatures inside the engine.
Use in Airplanes
The principal usage for aluminium alloys is for making the bodies of airplanes. In order to be in the air, the wings and the body of the plane must cause minimum drag and maximum lift. But due to lower pressures in the sky, the body still needs reinforcement to hold itself together. Aluminium alloys form the perfect functional component for this kind of a requirement.
Characteristics and Diverse Use
Owing to their anti corrosive properties, aluminium alloys are being increasingly used for ship designs. While steel is preferred at most places of the design, the new age alloys are being considered for the construction of the more strategic parts of the ship. Also, sports products including tennis rackets, baseball bats, and golf clubs employ super light aluminium alloy bodies. The strength provided to these items by the alloy is very crucial to the design considerations. As a result, the equipments are superior in look, structure and functionality.