Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy for Thin & Dry Skin
Hydrogen Peroxide Soothes Thin, Dry Skin
Dry, thin skin (xeroderma) is an uncomfortable skin condition that commonly occurs on thighs, abdomen, arms and legs. Symptoms of xeroderma include rough, dry patches of flaking skin (the outer layer of skin), cracks in the skin, redness, and pain and itching. Dry skin occurs in winter when the outside air is cold and heated inside air lacks humidity. Dry skin also occurs after over exposure to sunlight or presents as a symptom of illness or reaction to medication.
Xerotic eczema, also known as winter itch, is a skin condition that first presents as dry, thin skin and then turns into eczema. Elderly people often experience this condition which presents as itchy, painfully cracked skin. H202 baths are a useful tool to cope with this irritating medical occurrence.
Add extra oxygen to bath water by adding hydrogen peroxide. Refreshing as rainwater, the addition of H2O2 leaves dry skin hydrated and the body rejuvenated. Antiviral, antibiotic and anti-fungal, hydrogen peroxide (H202) is beneficial to a multitude of skin conditions and skin infections. Add a half pint of hydrogen peroxide to warm bath water to smooth and soothe irritated skin. (The healing waters from the "miracle" spring at Lourdes, France is very highly saturated with hydrogen peroxide.)
A single pint of food grade hydrogen peroxide (35 percent solution) contains the equivalent of 130 pints of pure oxygen. Most solutions available at local stores and pharmacies contain a 3 percent solution, equal to about 10 pints of oxygen.
The Human Body Requires H2O2 For Survival
The cells (white blood cells) in our bodies responsible for fighting foreign invaders and infection produce hydrogen peroxide and use it to fight the offending material. The ability of our bodies to produce hydrogen peroxide is imperative for maintaining life. Vitamin C is used by the body for the production of hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide in turn stimulates the production of prostaglandins. Lactobacillus, found in the vagina and colon, produce hydrogen peroxide, destroying harmful viruses and bacteria preventing bladder infections, colon disease, vaginitis and a wide array of other ailments.
Hydrogen Peroxide Applications
Hydrogen peroxide has had wide medical applications since the early 19th century where it was one of the only remedies effective in the treatment of syphilis. H202 was also used to treat common illnesses of the time including typhoid fever, ulcers, asthma, cholera, tuberculosis and whooping cough. Modern health practitioners recommend hydrogen peroxide as am effective treatment of Herpes Simplex, insect bites, Candida parasitic infections, periodontal disease, gangrene, warts, gingivitis and warts. It cleans the skin surface, destroying bacteria, viruses and fungi that cause infections.