How to Administer the Smallpox Vaccine

Smallpox is a very contagious disease and the name comes from the raised bumps that appear on the body. Administering the smallpox vaccine to someone requires carefully following the vaccine delivery protocol set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Things You'll Need

  • Sterile bifurcated needle
  • Smallpox vaccine
  • Sterile 2x2 gauze
  • Adhesive tape
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      Start by making the arm visible so that the deltoid (shoulder) side is available for proper delivery of the smallpox vaccine.

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      Avoid the use of an alcohol swab because the alcohol inactivates the vaccination virus. You should only wipe the vaccination area with a dry sterile piece of gauze.

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      Dip the needle once into the vial of vaccine to create a tiny droplet at the tip of the bifurcated needle.

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      Hold the needle perpendicular to the delivery area on the deltoid side of the arm that you are going start the smallpox vaccination.

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      Pierce the skin quickly in a 5 mm area at least three times, or the number of times the vial instructions specify. A trace of blood will appear.

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      Dab the area with a dry sterile 2x2 of gauze and discard all the vaccination materials in a hazardous waste receptacle.

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      Cover the vaccination area with loose gauze and adhesive tape.

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