How to Donate Plasma in Orlando, Florida
Things You'll Need
- Proof of Residency
Research the two Orlando plasma donation companies, one of which has multiple locations throughout the city. DCI Biologicals Orlando LLC--open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday--is an FDA-approved plasma center and offers referral bonuses to donors who recommend others as donors. DCI's center is located at:
11601 E. Colonial Drive
Orlando, FL 32817
(321) 235-9100Florida's Blood Centers have multiple office locations in Orlando as well as a mobile bank called the Big Red Bus. Florida's Blood Center takes appointments at office locations as well as the Big Red Bus. Hours vary by location at Florida's Blood Center. (See Resources to find specific locations.)
Choose the blood bank where you would like to donate your plasma. Each plasma donation center pays the same and requires the same information and initial appointment.
Visit the plasma center of your choice and sign up to be a donor. Bring your driver's license, birth certificate or other proof of residency. While at the plasma center, you will undergo a routine health check and go over your health history.
Donate your plasma and collect your compensation.