Minnows Found in Ditches
Fathead Minnow
The fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) is characterized by a round head, short fins and dark spot at the bottom of the tail fin. The fish also has a dark line down the middle of the back and seven rays on the anal fin. Fathead minnows live in schools at the middle or bottom of small streams or ditches without a lot of competition, and they are able to tolerate a variety of habitats, including low oxygen and high temperature, according to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Fathead minnows can spawn from late spring through the middle of summer with females spawning up to 12 times a year, and they lay eggs on objects beneath the water. These fish can be found throughout most of North America, especially from the middle of the country east. These fish are often used as bait fish.
Sheepshead Minnow
Sheepshead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus) can thrive in extremely shallow waters and in low-oxygen environments. These types of minnow can range in size from 1.8 inches to nearly 4 inches and can be recognized by having one back (dorsal) fin and one anal fin. These fish are usually silver in color and have large, bulging bodies. Sheepshead minnow females can produce over 1,000 eggs in a month, and these eggs tend to stick to objects beneath the water, including plants, rocks or even other eggs. These fish can spawn throughout the year in warm waters or from February to October in colder waters. Sheepshead minnow live in calm, shallow waters, both freshwater and saltwater, and they can be found in bays, estuaries, canals and ditches. They can be found on the Atlantic Coast, Gulf of Mexico and the coast of South America.
Mosquito Fish
The mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis) is often used to reduce the mosquito population, and it can thrive in many different types of environments, including cold weather, polluted waters and low oxygen. These minnows are brown in color and live in shallow, calm waters like river banks. These fish grow from about 1 1/4 to 2 inches long with males being smaller than females, and they live for about 1 year. These fish give birth to live fish; they do not lay eggs. Females will give birth 6 to 8 times during water temps that are between 65 and 80 degrees, and each time they will produce between 15 and 40 fry (fish babies). Gambusia affinis can be found in a variety of areas, including North America, New Zealand and Australia.