Amusement Park Rides & Pregnancy
Expert Insight
Experts at the American Pregnancy Association state that there are no definitive answers regarding amusement park rides being a risk factor for pregnant women. However, these experts also say that there are no definitive answers proving that amusement park rides are safe for pregnant women either. Experts and doctors recommend erring on the side of caution by adhering to warnings concerning pregnant women posted on rides.
Amusement park rides such as roller coasters concern doctors and experts because of the constant stopping and starting and the jarring effects they have on passengers. Doctors fear this type of movement on a pregnant woman could cause the uterus to move, causing placental abruption, the separating of the placenta from the uterus.
Studies show that pregnant women involved in vehicular accidents where jarring of the uterus occurs can suffer from placental abruption. Experts do say that the jarring experienced from amusement park rides is significantly less forceful than that of an automobile accident, but that caution should be taken and roller coasters should be avoided during pregnancy.
Placental Abruption
Placental abruption is when the placenta removes itself from a woman's uterus prematurely. The placenta provides nourishment and oxygen to unborn babies, and if it becomes unattached from the uterus, the unborn child is deprived of these things. This jeopardizes the lives of both the unborn child and its mother. Placental abruptions require immediate medical care.
Amusement park officials post cautions on rides that they feel present a risk to pregnant women, rides with excessive force and movement. Warnings are posted at the entrance to each ride for both the safety of passengers and to protect the parks from liability against women who choose not to adhere to the warnings.