Radon Extraction
Natural Production
When one radioactive element undergoes decay, it emits alpha, beta and gamma particles and turns into another element. If the resulting element is not stable, then it further undergoes spontaneous transformation into another element and this process recycles until a stable element is finally formed. Radon is formed from a decaying molecule of radium.
Industrial Extraction Process
Uranium rich ores form the basis for industrial extraction of radon gas. First these uraniferous ores are processed for faster extraction by putting them into 1 percent acid concentrated solution. Typically, HCl (Hydrochloric acid) or HBr (Hydrobromic acid) solution is used for this purpose. The resultant reaction releases a gas mixture that includes hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon dioxide and radon along with water and other hydrocarbons.
A two-step process is used to isolate the radon gas from a mixture containing radon along with other gases such as hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The first step includes purifying the mixture and passing it over an extremely hot copper bed (approximately 720 degrees Celsius). This rids the mixture of any traces of hydrogen as well as oxygen gases. In the next step, the mixture is treated with potassium hydroxide (KOH) and phosphorus pent oxide (P2O5). This releases any acid and moisture that may be contained in the mixture, leaving behind radon gas. Liquid nitrogen is used to condense the gas and any left over gases are removed by the process of sublimation.
Extraction from Radium
Government regulations apply to commercial production of radon where only small amounts of radon can be extracted. Radium-226 solution is used to produce radon in a controlled environment. The radon gas produced from radium solution is made to collect over samples of the solution. As a result of equilibrium reactions, a steady radon production occurs. To maintain the equilibrium, excess gas is diffused out of the chamber.
The entry of radon into a house takes place through dirt floors, drains, sumps and concrete walls and floors. Radon also can enter the house through well water. Radon could become a concern when improper ventilation traps radon in buildings. The predominant side effect of chronic radon exposure is lung cancer.