How to Start a Halfway House for Youth
Choose the type of youth halfway house you wish to operate, such as a facility for mental health or drug addiction. Visit the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice website to see examples of specific halfway houses that emphasize life and social skills.
Contact your local courthouse to see if your state requires special permits, or if licensing is required to operate a halfway house. For example, zoning permits are required in Dallas, and no more than 50 people can live in one halfway house, there. Review licensing requirements in your state, and design the youth halfway house to meet these requirements. Visit the LAWriter website to see some examples of these requirements in Ohio.
Create a budget for start-up costs, and continued costs for running the youth halfway house. Include weekly food expenses, utility costs and household essentials such as toilet paper.
Decide whether the youth halfway house will be a co-ed facility, or if it will focus on one gender group. Determine the age group for future residents.
Develop a plan for how many residents you will have per room, and the rent each will pay. Calculate your total operating expenses, and compare this to the amount of money you will receive each month. Decide how many youths will need to live in the halfway house to meet overhead expenses, based on these calculations. See the Therapist Unlimited website for an example of a youth halfway house, which states its average operating costs at between $30,000 to $50,000 a year.
Hire staff. Halfway houses usually require a manager who has on-the-job training provided by the employer, a high school diploma or equivalent, or an Associate's or a Bachelor's degree. Visit the Michigan Jobs and Career Portal website to view some examples of job duties and the education required for a halfway house manager.