Side Effects of Minerals
There are 16 essential minerals that work to support the human organic process. They perform duties such as production of hydrochloric acid and hemoglobin and support digestive, heart, bone and blood health.
The 16 types of essential dietary minerals include chloride, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum and selenium. All of these perform a specific function within the body and are required in various amounts for everyday processes of the body.
An unbalanced diet or other condition can lead to a deficiency in one or more of the essential minerals. Side effects for a deficiency may include high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, weakness in the muscles and muscle cramps. Hypoventilation, nausea, headache, vomiting and increased carbon dioxide in the body can be associated with chloride deficiency. Calcium deficiency can create side effects such as a sensation of pins and needles on the skin, hyperactive reflexes and cardiac symptoms. Psychological symptoms such as confusion are also possible and serious side effects associated with mineral deficiency.
Minerals consumed in excess can result in a wide range of side effects as well. Potassium elevations can result in hyperkalemia, which can produce serious symptoms including heart palpitations, weakness and hyperventilation. Severe sodium surplus in the body can induce seizures, but milder side effects include irritability and weakness. Too much calcium can cause side effects including constipation, bone pain and kidney stones. Other general symptoms include breathing difficulties, low blood pressure and heart problems.
Toxicity and deficiency of minerals in the body from an unbalanced diet can be fatal. It is important to see a doctor if you experience any of the above side effects. A balanced diet often creates a balanced level of all minerals within the body, but some conditions and diseases may prevent your body from processing the minerals correctly, cause a mineral deficit or surplus regardless of healthy diet.