Home Safety Audit Checklist
Sharp Objects
Make sure that all sharp objects, including kitchen knives, scissors and shaving razors, are kept out of the reach of children. In addition, keep all sharp objects in their respective holders or sleeves to prevent accidental cuts when removing them, or other objects, from a drawer or cabinet.
Keep all household chemicals, such as medications and cleaning supplies, in a locked medicine cabinet or behind a child-proof door. Keep the phone number for your local poison control center near your phone and always monitor children whenever chemicals are in use.
Evacuation Routes
Make sure that everyone in the home, including small children, knows the best way out in case of an emergency. For older children, discuss an alternate evacuation route in case the primary route is dangerous or impossible to use. Also keep hallways and doorways free of clutter and easily accessible.
Place friction mats or carpets on all slick flooring surfaces, including hardwood and linoleum tile. For small children or elderly people, consider installing a mat or handrail in the bathtub to help prevent falls. Check your stairways to ensure they are free from clutter and provide solid support. Also check stairway handrails for structural integrity.
Make sure that all of the windows in your home raise and lower smoothly to prevent them from falling suddenly. Install guardrails in front of any windows that are low to the ground or near a piece of furniture that children could climb on.
Fire Prevention
Install and test smoke detectors throughout the house, including one in each bedroom. Store anything that produces a flame, including cigarette lighters and matches, out of the reach of children. Store gasoline and propane only in approved containers, and never indoors. Maintain your furnace and keep your home generally free of clutter and debris to reduce the risk of fire even further.
Wires and Outlets
Electrical wiring poses one of the most significant dangers in any home. Make sure that all appliances are firmly plugged in and that outlets feature protective caps if there are children in the household. Replace any frayed wires and do not overload outlets with splitters or more than one high-energy appliance, like an air conditioner or clothes dryer.