10 Ways to Prevent a Virus
Food and Water
Avoid contaminated food and water while traveling, and avoid questionable meat, diary, and any foods recalled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to avoid gastroenteritis, which can be caused by an intestinal virus.
Wash hands
Wash your hands with soap and water frequently, especially after coming in contact with someone who may be sick with a virus, to reduce the likelihood that the virus may spread. Parents of children should wash their hands after handling diapers and before preparing food. If you are unable to use a sink with soap, carry hand sanitizer and use this often.
Use your own cup or straw to avoid spreading viruses. Avoid sharing drinks or utensils--and teach children to do this too--are ways to avoid spreading a virus.
Get the basic flu shot and other routine vaccines is a basic measure to provide the body with immunity to viruses and reduce the likelihood you fall ill or contract them.
Condoms reduce the likelihood of spreading or contracting sexually transmitted viruses. The use of condoms every time you engage in sexual activity can reduce the odds of transmitting or being infected with sexually transmitted viruses, including the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the human papilloma virus (HPV).
Standing Water
Eliminate standing water in and around your home, including abandoned pools or leftover rainwater, to reduce the amount of mosquitoes you attract to you and your property. Mosquitoes transmit the West Nile Virus, among other blood-borne diseases.
Vitamin D
Sun exposure is the best way to increase your intake of vitamin D. In the medical journal "Epidemiology and Infection," a December 2006 study suggested that Vitamin D deficiency increases risk of infectious diseases. Exposure to the sun is the only natural way for the body to get more vitamin D but cod liver oil is another way to increase vitamin D intake.
Cleaning household and commonly handled surfaces at home and work with bleach of an alcohol-based wipe, including phones, keyboards, desktops, and door handles, will eliminate germs that may carry viruses.
Healthy Living
Eat properly, get enough sleep, and exercise to keep your body and mind in the best physical condition possible to strengthen your immune system and shield you from contracting viruses. Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol intake and stress to improve your odds of fighting a virus.
Antiviral drugs
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, antiviral chemoprophylaxis (for example, Tamiflu) should be used for those at high risk for complications for flu viruses and those who may have come in contact with the virus or someone infected with the virus. These drugs are about 70 percent to 90 percent effective in preventing the flu.