Why Is Biodiesel Called a Renewable Resource?
Significance of Renewable Resource
Currently, most of the world's energy supply is from resources such as coal, oil and natural gas. These resources are known as the "fossil fuels" and are considered non-renewable since the rate at which fossil fuel regenerates is much less than the rate at which it is depleted. The time has come to find better resources of energy in order to conserve the world's fossil fuels for the future generations.
Biodiesel Production
Biodiesel is produced from biologically renewable resources. Theoretically, the rate at which a renewable resource regenerates is the same as the rate at which it gets depleted. The main source of biodiesel is soybean. But there are also numerous other feedstock materials from which it can be produced such as peanuts, tung oil, sunflower, rice, hazelnuts, safflower, corn, cotton, oil palm, sesame and olive oil.
Biodiesel is produced through a process called transesterification. This is a chemical process in which vegetable oil is separated into glycerin and methyl ester, which is the chemical base for biodiesel. Although biodiesel has been produced for a long time, the use of it as an alternative fuel for diesel is a fairly recent development.
Biodiesel: Renewable Energy Resource
The biggest advantage of biodiesel lies in the fact that it is made from renewable sources. The sulfur emissions from burning of biodiesel are much less than that of fossil fuels. This helps to reduce acid rain. Biodiesel is even less toxic than table salt and can bio-degrade like sugar. Also, even though burning of biodiesel results in emission of carbon dioxide, this is absorbed by the crops growing to make the fuel. Since the carbon dioxide is absorbed by the crops, this emission does not add to global warming.
Biodiesel is used for residential and commercial heating. As engine oil, it helps in increase engine life and smooths engine operation because of higher lubricity. Biodiesel is also efficient and requires very little energy to make. The production of biodiesel reduces the dependence on oil from foreign countries and thus aids in developing a better economy.