How Is Methane Gas Generated?
Methane Generation
Methane occurs naturally as the principle component of natural gas. It is generated through the transformation of organic matters under poor oxygen conditions. In other words, methane gas is formed whenever plant and animal matter decays. Many factors, such as temperature, rainfall and type of organic material, determine the rate at which methane gas is generated.
How methane gas migrates or distributes itself depends on condition of the natural soils and organic fills apart from the subsoils overlying the generating area. Other determining agents include whether the ground is dry, frozen or saturated. The gas can migrate into or under a building or tunnel. Therefore, federal agencies have laid strict regulations regarding construction activity near methane gas generation sites.
Is Methane Gas Dangerous?
In a confined place, under certain atmospheric conditions, and if the amount of methane in the air is in the range of 5 to 15 percent, it can be explosive. The EPA regulates the combustible gas concentration in building construction sites. Higher concentration of methane in air can cause asphyxiation by replacing the oxygen in the blood.
Manure: Source of Methane
Methane can contribute to energy and environmental goals. When methane is burned, it emits 25 percent less carbon dioxide gas than fossil fuels. According to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "Methane can be used as an inexpensive source of hydrogen, a carbon-free fuel that could help slow climate change." Scientists have identified livestock manure as a viable alternative energy source. It contains organic solids, carbohydrates and nutrients such as proteins for growth of anaerobic bacteria; the bacteria convert the organic solids in manure into fatty acids. Methane formers, another group of anaerobic bacteria, convert fatty acids into methane gas and carbon dioxide.
Methane is a greenhouse gas and has a high global warming potential. It can remain in the atmosphere for about nine to 15 years. However, it is a renewable energy source and contains high calorific value in its pure stage. Furthermore, energy produced from methane gas generates lower carbon emissions than coal produces.