How Can I Get a Replacement Card for Mississippi Medicaid?

Medicaid is a health care program administered at the federal level but implemented and managed at the state level. The program helps low-income people and families in Mississippi and other states pay for quality medical care. Medicaid funds are distributed directly to health care providers through a claim-filing process. If you live in Mississippi and you need to obtain a Medicaid replacement card, here is what you need to do.


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      Call the Mississippi ACS Hot Line--either at 601-206-2900 or toll-free at 800-884-3222.

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      Speak with a representative and request a replacement card.

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      Verify information about yourself when you are prompted by the representative.

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      Confirm that the State of Mississippi has your correct address.

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      Ask how long it will take for you to receive your replacement card. Normally, you can expect it to arrive at the address you provided in two to four weeks.

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      In the meantime, if you need to visit a health care provider, the provider can verify your beneficiary status directly with the Mississippi Medicaid office.

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