Linden Tree Medicinal Properties
The linden tree can be used to help relax and calm the muscles during a spasm (i.e., involuntary and abnormal muscle contraction). It also helps relieve stress through its sedative natures, allowing the tension and spasm to decease. An active ingredient of linden flower is volatile oil. Volatile oil has sedative properties that allow this herb to help relax muscle spasms, including in the digestive system.
The sedative property in linden trees also works with people suffering from anxiety. The active ingredient volatile oil calms the body during stressful times. This would be especially helpful to calm a person down to go to sleep or during times of high anxiety such as a divorce or death of relative. According to, "Linden has been used to treat nervous palpitations and has lowered high blood pressure brought on by stress and nervous tension in animal models."
Linden tree has a great deal of sedative properties thanks to its active ingredient volatile oil. According to, "Linden has sedative effects and has been used to treat nervous palpitations and high blood pressure." In addition, the linden tree can cause sleepiness and help people to have a better and longer sleep. Linden has a therapeutic application in lowering lower blood pressure in many people. It most likely does this by lowering anxiety and stress levels, which in turn would reduce high blood pressure.
Colds and Flu
Linden flowers are great resources for decongestion and inducing sweating. Since the herb decongests, it can be used to help relieve the symptoms of the common cold. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, "Today, linden is used in many cough and cold remedies." It will help decongest the nose and lungs and in turn treat sinus headaches. The herb can reduce fever by inducing sweating. When a person contracts a flu, linden can be used to keep fever down.
Dry Skin Treatment
The linden herb can also be used to help with dry skin. Many lotions, especially plant lotions, include linden in them. It is mainly used to treat itchy dry skin. suggests that its emollient property allows it to heal dry skin quickly and relieve the itch.