Uses of Mercury Metal
Thermometers are glass tubes marked with a standard temperature scale that are filled with mercury. To determine body temperature, the thermometer is placed under the tongue. The mercury reacts to changes in temperature by expanding or contracting. The outside scale allows you to see the temperature.
Barometers measure the pressure of the atmosphere. Weather forecasters use them to detect changes in the air pressure, which indicates that the weather will change. Barometers are similar to thermometers and have a tube filled with mercury that reacts to air pressure. Changes in the air pressure cause the mercury to rise and fall. A temperature scale on the outside of the tube indicates the pressure.
Dental Amalgams
Mercury can be combined with two or more metals to create an alloy called an amalgam, which is a liquid or solid solution. Dentists sometimes use amalgams of silver and mercury to fill cavities. According to experts in the EPA, repeated studies since the 1990s have found that these fillings are safe for adults and children. In fact, the FDA regulates the use of mercury in dental fillings.
Metals Industry
Mercury can be a contaminant in raw materials, a component in manufacturing equipment and an ingredient in chemicals in the metals industry. The mercury can enter the facility's waste water stream so industry has developed effective spill response measures to prevent this.
Fluorescent lamps, mercury vapor lamps and sodium lamps use mercury to create a light source. These lamps can be used both outdoors and indoors. Fluorescent lamps contain mercury vapor that gives off a bright light when electric current passes through it. Due to their energy efficiency, fluorescent lamps are extremely popular today.