Future Impact of Tuberculosis
Morbidity of Tuberculosis
The incidence of tuberculosis in the United States has been falling in the past few years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a 2.9 percent decrease in reported cases from 2007 to 2008.
AIDS and Tuberculosis
AIDS sufferers are more likely to become infected with tuberculosis because of their suppressed immune systems. AIDS sufferers are at high risk of death to due tuberculosis infection.
Pediatric Tuberculosis
The incidence of childhood tuberculosis is reaching new lows annually in the United States, but is still relatively high in the developing world.
Tuberculosis Mortality
Though tuberculosis numbers are falling, tuberculosis is still the seventh leading cause of premature death globally. According to the World Health Organization, 1.3 million people died of tuberculosis in 2003. According to John E. Park, an expert in epidemiology, if left untreated, tuberculosis has a mortality rate of up to 50 percent.
The Economy and Tuberculosis
The WHO estimates that globally tuberculosis causes $12 billion annual economic loss .