How to Report Medical Complaints
Tell your doctor why you're registering a complaint. Tell your physician the basis of your concerns and why you wish to register a complaint. For example, if you felt that your physician broke a code of ethics such as malpractice, let him know.
Get all the necessary paperwork. Gather up all medical documents and history pertaining to your complaint. Ensure that you have filed necessary paperwork, such as your authorization for release of medical records. This will prevent any hold-ups from occurring during your report process.
Report your complaint. Opt to report your complaint to a health organization or insurance plan as suggested by the American Medical Association. For example, if you have an HMO, you may choose to go through your provider.
Notify your state licensing board. Report a complaint through your state licensing board. Legal action can be pursued through the state licensing board if medical malpractice allegedly has been identified.