Ear Protection & Safety
The Danger
If you work around or use equipment that can reach decibels over 85, you could be at risk for either permanent or temporary hearing loss. Examples of equipment or events that can cause this level of noise include motorcycles, portable drills, chain saws and heavy traffic. This can also occur due to the loud noise from a portable music player.
Hearing Protection Devices
There are many devices on the market you can use to prevent hearing loss. Ear plugs, ear muffs and canal caps are just a few examples. The important thing is to make sure that the device will protect you from the level of noise that you will be exposed to. Check the packaging to see what decibel level the device is designed for.
Ear Plugs
Ear plugs are one way to protect your hearing. They are made from materials such as plastic and rubber and can be used over and over. If you purchase ones that are "pre-molded," each ear may require a different size. You may have to try several sizes find the right ones that fit.
Ear Muffs
Earmuffs are designed to prevent loud noise from damaging hearing by entirely covering the ear. These work best if the individual does not wear glasses or have a thick beard or sideburns. These tend to keep the seal around the ear from properly forming. In this case, these individuals may want to choose ear plugs. Their size can be smaller or larger, depending on how loud the sound to be blocked is.
Canal Caps for Protection
This device has ear plug tips attached to a movable band that is constructed from metal or plastic. These are very easy to use, and can be quickly put in when noise levels increase. They can apply pressure to the head when worn, which some individuals may not like.