Hazards & Uses of Glucose

Glucose is commonly known as sugar. It is a complex carbohydrate that is used by humans, animals and plants as a source of energy. It is present in many foods including sweets, pasta, bread and potatoes. Glucose has a variety of uses, but there are a few potential dangers to be aware of as well.
  1. Body Fuel

    • Many foods contain glucose, which is used by the muscles, brain and other bodily organs. The sugars in food are broken down in the stomach and distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream, where it provides energy to the body. Although glucose is necessary for powering the human body, erratic levels of glucose can cause a myriad of health problems.

    Plants and Glucose

    • Glucose is found in the sap of plants. It is stored in plants in the form of starch, and is used by the plant on a cellular level for the development of leaves, roots and stems. In plants, glucose is first formed in the leaves, and is then transported to the seeds and roots, where it is stored until the plant needs it.

    Diabetic Emergency

    • For individuals suffering from hypoglycemia, intravenous glucose is used to stabilize sugar levels in their body. In a report for the website "Best Bets: Best Evidence Topics," Russell Boyd reports that intravenous glucose provides a fast, reliable method of delivering needed glucose to the bloodstream in diabetic emergency situations (see References 2).

    The Sweetest Poison

    • In a Global Healing Center article (See Resources 1), glucose is defined as "the sweetest poison of all." According to Dr. William Coda, in his 1957 study of foods that can be potentially hazardous, glucose is a pure carbohydrate, stripped of all vitamins and minerals. Ingesting large doses of glucose over time has the potential to poison the body and harm one's overall health. Large amounts of pure sugar or glucose depletes the body of precious proteins, vitamins and minerals, and overloads the body's detoxification system.

    Sweet Explosive

    • Powdered or dry glucose is used in food plants all over the world---and is highly combustible. Finely dispersed particles can become explosive when exposed to air, and plants using the substance must be diligent in preventing the glucose dust from collecting. Powdered glucose is also extremely flammable and must be kept away from open flames and areas where electric sparks are possible.

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