Damage Caused by Fog Machines
Mucus Membrane Irritation
One study conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in 1994 discovered that the use of fog machines on Broadway irritated the mucous membranes of the actors and singers. In particular, the mucous membranes of the actors' and singers' eyes and respiratory tract were affected. This study was confirmed in 2000 by the Department of Community and Preventative Medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Outside of Broadway, a study found similar results when fog machines were used by a commercial airplane company to stimulate fire scenarios to train staff. Overall, the studies showed that exposure to fog machines were correlated with increased reports of respiratory, throat and nasal symptoms. Additionally, it was correlated with findings of vocal cord inflammation. This can be extremely serious for the Broadway actors and actresses, who need their voices for their career.
Long Term Exposure
Beyond the irritation of the mucous membranes, another study explored more serious consequences of the fog machine. In 2005, a study was published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, examining long term exposure to fog machines for individuals in a range of entertainment industries, from live theater to television. The study discovered that cumulative exposure to the fogs produced by fog machines had acute and chronic negative effects on respiratory health. Additionally, the workers that had jobs in close proximity to the machines showed reduced lung functioning.
Other Dangers
According to Actor's Equity, fog machines, even used for short periods of time, can cause negative effects for the users. For example, short term exposure to the fog machines can cause dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, fatigue, coughing and dry throat. The amount of exposure for these effects to occur varies, but it can be as little as a couple of hours.