How to Receive a Certification As a Substance Abuse Counselor in MA
Things You'll Need
- Master's degree or a Ph.D. in Behavioral Science
- Supervised training hours
- Supervised work experience
Obtain a master's degree or a doctoral degree in behavioral sciences from an accredited college or university.
Train for 270 hours in courses related to substance abuse counseling. The courses must be approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. For help finding approved courses call the Licensure Unit at 617-624-5173, or 617-624-5076 and speak with a staff coordinator.
Complete 300 hours of supervised counseling from an approved program. For a list of approved programs, contact the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Licensure Unit at 617-624-5173, or 617-624-5076. During the program, keep track of your hours and tasks you performed. Have your supervisor sign your log as proof.
Complete 6,000 hours of supervised full-time counseling experience from an approved program. For help finding an approved program, contact the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Licensure Unit. Your 6,000 hours must be comprised of diagnostic assessment, intervention, and counseling of patients being treated for alcoholism or drug abuse. Log each hour and describe your tasks. Have your supervisor sign your log book as proof that you have completed this requirement.
Complete the written examination given by Department of Public Health in Massachusetts.