How to Become an Arkansas Health Inspector
Achieve a bachelor's degree in a health-related subject. While not required by some employers, a bachelor's degree will increase your chances of getting a job as a health inspector in Arkansas. Degree programs, such as health physics, industrial hygiene and occupational health, help for this career. The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences has a Department of Environmental and Occupational Health for students seeking a career as a health inspector.
Get an internship to gain work experience in the field of health inspection. Ask your university for help finding an internship program. The best internships pair you with a real, professional health inspector so you can learn how from someone in the field.
Gain certification as a health inspector. While certification isn't required in Arkansas, it will help your chances of finding a job or moving up in the company. Try for certification as an Occupational Health and Safety Technologist or a Board Certified Safety Professional.
Apply for a job as a health inspector. The Food Safety and Inspection Service has a regional agency office in Springdale, Arkansas. Contact the office at 501-751-8412 to ask for a job opening within the organization. Private companies offer health inspector positions as well. You can find hiring opportunities in newspaper want ads or on online job boards.
Continue your education in health inspection and safety even after you get a job. This will improve your skills and give you a better chance for a promotion to a higher position. Many Arkansas universities have graduate school programs in health safety and other health-related subjects.