Health Dangers of Broken Sewer Pipes in the Home
One of the most serious problems with broken sewage pipes inside the home occurs because the pipes can release gases, such as methane, into the home. When the gas that is part of all sewage systems is released into the home, this can lead to gas poisoning. Gas poisoning can cause asphyxiation, sore throat and respiratory problems.
Harmful Bacteria
Broken sewer pipes can release harmful bacteria into your home, such as E. coli, salmonella and pinworms, all of which cause major problems with the digestive tract. You could also become infected with cholera, amoebiasis, jaundice or hepatitis A from the bacterias found in raw sewage. These problems are caused if you come into contact with the bacteria and it gets inside your body. For example, if you touch an infected surface and you have a cut, or if you touch your eyes or your mouth, the bacteria can enter your body.
Symptoms to Watch For
The digestive problems and bacterial infections caused by coming into contact with raw sewage from a sewage pipe leak have a variety of symptoms. For example, watery stools, vomiting, dehydration, headache, nausea, fever, chills and jaundice are all caused by cholera or amoebiasis. E coli infections caused by contact with the bacteria can cause many of the same symptoms as those caused by other infections, but can occasionally lead to serious and possibly even fatal kidney problems.