Tools for Contract Administration
Imparting Proper Training to Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR)
A good COTR training program could form the backbone of effective contract administration. This ensures that a healthy chord is struck between the COTR and the contracting officer. CORT and the contracting officer are in charge for guaranteeing that the contracting process is successful; therefore, mutual understanding between the CORT and contacting officer is critical.
Carrying Out Post-Award Orientation Activities Well
The onus of appropriately carrying out post-award orientation also falls on the contract administrator. The ideal activities must include provision of a complete copy of the invoice, identification of supplier, recognition of key departments, scrutinizing any contract reporting requirements, contract remittance process and documentation requirements. The identification of suppliers as well as their review of contract reporting requirements is considered to be an essential part of ensuring that the post-operational activities are carried out well.
Issuing Notification to the Contractor Well In Advance
Informing the contractor to begin work in time would ensure that the work is carried out smoothly and without any hassles, and an effective contract administrator must take care of that. In the absence of effective and prompt notification, the operation cannot be carried out with ease; hence, this is considered to be an important part of the operational procedure.
Carrying Out Closeout Activities
The finishing contractor evaluation report is an important closeout activity. It should be performed in line with department policies and procedures. The responsible parties should be notified when funds can be disencumbered. Closure activities are as important as the initiation of any task, and they need to be carried out with perfect accuracy. In the absence of proper closure activities, the chances are that the business would suffer adverse consequences.
Verifying the Documents and Work Carried Out
Verification of the documents must be executed carefully. All the documents including the invoices form an essential tool of contract administration. Reporting any contract disputes also falls under this head.