Facts About Women & HIV
HIV, which often results in AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), was first reported in the early 1980s. Although men have historically been infected in higher numbers than women, HIV is still a concern for women.
HIV is transmitted through contact with blood and/or semen or vaginal discharge. Most women are infected through sexual contact.
As of 2009, one in four Americans carrying HIV infections is a woman. African American women are affected the most by HIV; in fact, for African American women aged 25-34, HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death.
The National Women's Health Information Center recommends that women remember "ABC" to prevent HIV: "A" for abstaining from sexual activities, "B" for being faithful in a monogamous relationship, and "C" for always using latex or polyurethane male condoms.
While HIV cannot be cured, medications are available that slow the progression of this virus and allow those who are infected to live longer, healthier lives.