Boric Acid for Acne

Acne is a skin condition that causes spots due to bacterial infection. Since boric acid can prevent bacterial growth, it is used in acne treatments such as lotions and gels that are applied to the skin.
  1. Acne

    • Acne is a common and chronic condition affecting the skin. It causes spots, predominantly on the face, chest and back. These appear when the sebaceous glands are infected with bacteria.


    • Acne is common during adolescence, probably due to elevated levels of the hormone testosterone. Adults also can suffer from acne, particularly women. This may be related to fluctuation in hormone levels during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.


    • Boric acid has antibacterial properties. This means that it can slow down and prevent the growth of bacteria.


    • Boric acid is used to preserve the shelf life of cosmetics by keeping them free of bacteria. It is added to acne treatments because it can also prevent the growth of bacteria on the skin, and therefore prevents acne.

    Other Treatments

    • More serious cases of acne may require antibiotics and prescription skin treatments.

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