Step-by-Step Water Distillation Process
Things You'll Need
- Saucepan
- 2 clear pan lids
- Water
- Oven
- Cup
- Bowl (optional)
- Funnel (optional)
- Plastic bottles (optional)
- Plastic wrap (optional)
- Rock (optional)
Fill a saucepan about three-quarters full and put on the stove on a "high" setting. Wait for the water to boil.
Place a lid over the saucepan.
Remove the lid when condensation forms and begins to drip back down into the pot. Put a second lid over the saucepan. Tip the lid you just removed straight up and down and hold it over a cup or bowl. The condensed water will fall to the bottom point of the lid and drip off into the cup or bowl. You could also use a funnel and carefully pour the distilled water from your cup or bowl into plastic bottles for later use.
Alternate the lids when condensation forms until you get the amount of distilled water you desire.